Channeling Giovanni - Rambling thoughts from outside the cha cha...

Me: Interesting, peculiar, awash in contradiction, sensitive, easily distracted, odd, thoughtful, odd, political, philistine, romantic, laid back, clever, sweet, puppy dog, introspective, hyper, odd, Bohemian, untrendy, jock, and all around good guy.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Making fun of grandpa...

I remember the fun times; sitting in the bars with my friends making fun of the "old" guys and grandpas that were trying to look young with their caps, bleached hair, muscle shirts, and over-done tans. We resented it any time one of these guys even tried to be nice to us.

Now, 25 years later, I think about what a petty, judgmental, short-sighted twink some of my friends were. The young vs. old mentality was there even in 1980, but it was not as noticeable as today. Today, the young guys are almost violently anti-old guy. And, it is not just the young guys who are to blame.

I learned at about 23 years old not to be so judgmental of older guys. It turned out that some of my best and most interesting friends were 20+ years older than me. I was one of the lucky ones.

Old Guys
Don't be such lecherous old men. If a guy says he is not interested, leave it alone. Don't keep trying to get him in bed or ask him out or tell him he is missing out.  You want to ruin a potential friendship and generate resentment, THAT is the way to do it. We live in a youth-oriented culture, but you have to accept that you are not 21 anymore. Accept that most guys that are 10 years or more younger than you are not going to be in to you anymore. Take care of yourself, but age with a little dignity. And, don't lie about your age.

Young Guys
I promise you, if you continue to live, most if not all of these things will happen to you: You will get gray hair. Your hair will fall out. You will get man-boobs. Those abs you are so proud of will get covered in fat. Your skin will get leathery. Your skin will get wrinkled. Your stomach will expand and fall out over your belt. Your penis will not get as hard or get hard as quick. You will become the guy that you look at today and find "disgusting".  And, it will happen way before you expect it.

The loathing you find for "old guys" today will be self-loathing in the future. Enjoy your youth, but don't spend it hating the person that you will become.


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