Channeling Giovanni - Rambling thoughts from outside the cha cha...

Me: Interesting, peculiar, awash in contradiction, sensitive, easily distracted, odd, thoughtful, odd, political, philistine, romantic, laid back, clever, sweet, puppy dog, introspective, hyper, odd, Bohemian, untrendy, jock, and all around good guy.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Gay community should begin policing itself for inappropriate behavior

I am often surprised at just how predujice gay men can be. I ran in to an acquaintenance at the gym the other day; I must say he is one of my sluttier friends. On a nearby TV, there was a special on alleged police brutality in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. All of the victims were black. My friend commented that "the black community needed police itself and that internally they should make an effort to behave more responsibly."
This, I found really, really ironic coming from a guy that has been twice arrested for having sex in a public park and having a warrant sworn against him saying he is not allowed to come on the premises of our largest mall for an entire year due to his activities in one of the bathrooms.
I reminded him that he himself had been the target of police action to which he responded that was merely because the police department was homophobic and picked on gay people.
If you apply his "black people should police themselves" to the gay community, then I certainly agree. If gay people want to be more generally accepted by the "red states", we need start by cleaning up our own act. One of the things that people like Fred Phelps use against us is the actions of a very few.


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