Channeling Giovanni - Rambling thoughts from outside the cha cha...

Me: Interesting, peculiar, awash in contradiction, sensitive, easily distracted, odd, thoughtful, odd, political, philistine, romantic, laid back, clever, sweet, puppy dog, introspective, hyper, odd, Bohemian, untrendy, jock, and all around good guy.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Enemas of the state (well, of the gay community)

Every gay man and Lesbian living in Hawaii in 1998 will ever forget the same-sex marriage battle. It got ugly. The other side resort to name calling and comparing same-sex marriage with beastiality. In a lovely, seaside TV commercial one of Mike (Mr. Hare Krishna) Gabbard's own sons made a comment similar to "next I will be able to marry my dog." Mike Gabbard must make his gay son really proud. I wonder about Mike Gabbard sometimes and if he is really trying to do the same thing as I suspect Fred Phelps is doing. By making his anti-gay view so extreme, he appears as a comical caricature that should no be taken seriously. But, I think Gabbard has been very successful in his attempts to hurt gays and Lesbians, so that theory does not hold water.

Anyway, during that battle, I kept a list of some of the more vocal anti-gay advocates. I was determined to never give them any sort of financial support ever again. If they own a business, I will NEVER patronize it. If their business calls my business for any sort of technical assistance, I will charge them double my normal rates.

I thought that time or my hard drive had long ago eaten that list, but I just found it and figured it deserved to be posted. Here was the original list and a posting I had mailed to someone else:

The Mormons have a long history of discrimination. African Americans, Asians, women, just about every minority has come under their discriminatory scrutiny in the past 50 years. They still believe that mixed race marriages should be illegal. There are still parts of the Mormon community that want to see polygamy made legal.

In a lot of ways, Mormonism is much more like a cult than an official religion. They have one of the most active "missionary" programs of any modern religion. Unlike many church's missionary programs, though, the Mormon church's goal is to recruit new members.
If the Mormon church tells its members to think a certain way, that is the way a Mormon will think.
I am curious about some of the other players from the Save Traditional Marriage campaign and what they do when they are not harrasing gays and lesbians under the guise of saving the world.
If anyone knows anything about any of the following people, let's hear it:
Janice Judd
Janice Pechauer
Jack Hoag
Linda Rosehill
Jim McConnell
Garret T. Hashimoto (president of the Hawaii Christian Coalition)
Mely McGivern
Anya Anthony
Marry J. Friel
Frank Morten
Toshio Chinen
Mary Polly
Dr. David Nahrstedt (in LA)
Leon Sius
Gordon Caylor
Patrick Mathews
Phillip C. Smith
Ralph Roubique
Robert W. Yount
Gini Stoddard
Charles L. Sh-veev
Robert W. Blount
Ellen Abrams
Bruce Cole
Celine Logan
Paige Lawes
Robert L. Davis
Irene Morgan
Briget Arume
Maria Waite
Jasmine Sarns
Janet Bishop
Mary Polly
Renee White
Kathleen G. Curtis
Carol Suzuki
Marie M. Torio
Evelyn Cook
Ron Motosue
Sam Gillie
Paul & Patricia Hanohano
Ken Harada
Lisa Mendonza
Tom Dinnell
Donald L. Farrell, MD
James I. Kuroiwa Jr.
Olga Waterhouse

Yes, I have kept a list of the staunch opponents of same-sex marriage. Now it is time to withdraw any financial support we give these people!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

My favorite homeboy, Karl Rove is gay?

Not that I believe that Karl Rove is gay, but the rumor is in a book I'm reading right now by Melissa Rossi. The guy that loves to help bush bash gays and lesbians apparently was quite "close" to male prostitute / reporter Jeffrey Gannon. Apparently, he was Rove's favorite White House party boy. Supposedly, Karl Rove has been seen at Washington sex parties.

Normally, I say live and let live. If someone wants to be in the closet or lead a private life, then that is their prerogative. But, if a gay man is actively involved in hurting gay and lesbian rights, then it is time to out them.