I have a friend from college that I had not seen in about 20+ years. When I was 21 and always pining away for a boyfriend, he would just laugh or sneer. This guy was not just very good looking, he was a Greek God. Charming, funny, fashionable, and fashionably unfashionable. You just have to hate guys like him. He could have gotten in Brad Pitt's pants. Women hit on him at school constantly and guys regularly offered him money, travel, or whatevers.
I was fortunate that he thought I was worthy of his attention; he would spend the night with me sometimes. I should have developed a terrible crush on him, but I did not. I guess I had him pegged already as to the type of person he was.
He always told me that he did not ever want a boyfriend, that he did not like dating, and that he had plenty of attention from guys whenever he wanted. Having a short-term or long-term boyfriend (the term "partner" had not yet been coined) was not in the mix for him. He blissfully went on his way walking over guys and using them along the way. (Well, I did not protest when he used me, but I already knew what kind of person he was and did not get my hopes up.)
We lost touch after he graduated and I did not really care find him since I had many other more sincere friends that I should try to keep up with. I missed a connecting flight out of Atlanta recently and had to spend the night; I looked up a few friends while I was there. One of my friends asked if I had seen M. recently; he was now living in Atlanta. Then I got the full scoop.
Apparently M. was one of these guys that did not age well. At 22 he was a God, but had been banished to being a troll by 42. 50 pounds and pattern male baldness had not been kind to him. I think guys that are bald or have shaved heads are usually pretty good looking, but M.'s head just was not quite shaped right for the hairless look. I looked him up out of curiousity and had breakfast with him the next morning before my flight. Yep, heinous, dude, pretty heinous.
I got the distinct impression that he still thought he was the cat's meow. But now he desparately wanted a boyfriend. All of his friends are now happily partnered away for 5+ years in reasonable stable relationships. He tried personal ads, phone ads, Internet ads, etc... but could not keep a relationship going for more than 2 dates before they guy would not call him back. He even suggested he could not understand why they would not call him back since they were so lucky to have a date with him in the first place (not his exact words, but you get the idea.)
Yep, bad Karma is a bitch. M., if you end up reading this. On your next date, consider that YOU are the lucky one and treat that person accordingly. Maybe you will get more than 2 dates out of it.
Age and treachery overcome youth and beauty every time!